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Renegade Cover



Cover of my comic book Renegade. Inspired by the song of the same name by the power metal band Hammerfall.  The lyrics are just too perfect for George and describe him so well.  This takes place in modern times or the near future.  George Smith is still trying to find a way back home to Hell. In the mean time he takes his bounties and souls of evil humans.  He's a very effective assassin despite being so large. Plus with the ability to take his other two forms this centipede man uses all his powers to his advantage.  This story happens before he encounters Leeanix.  I will give a virtual cookie to anyone that can guess what city that is. It's supposed to be a real city.  I didn't want to use New York or LA because those are the only two cities in the U.S. right?  Seems that's where all the movies and books take place. And Maybe the capital gets blow up by aliens sometimes.  So I chose something not so well known. Careful might not be what you think.

This took me a fair amount of time to make. The buildings were the hardest and most annoying of course. I need to find faster ways to do that and get perspective better too because well there's going to be a lot of that in the backgrounds.  Page 1 and 2 is drawn. I just have to ink and color them up.  I need to start page 3. I have no idea how long this comic will be but I hope I don't lose interest part way through and can finish it.

Song check it out

First drawing of 2014

Page 1Renegade Page 1 by Thagirion


El cover de mi comic Renegade. Inspirado por la cancion del mismo nombre del grupo de power metal Hammerfall.  Las letras son perfectas para George. Esto pasa en tiempos modernos or el futuro cercano. George Smith todavia busca forma de regresar a su hogar en el Infierno.  Todavia toma recompenzas y las almas de los humanos malvados. Es un asesino muy efectivo aparte de ser tan grande. Y con su abilidad de usar sus otras dos formas este hombre cienpies usa sus poderes a su ventaja. Esta historia pasa antes que encuentra a Leeanix. Una galleta virtual a cualquier que sabe que ciudad es esa. Si es una ciudad que es real. No queria usar a Nueva York o Los Angeles porque son las unicas dos ciudades en Estados Unidos, verdad? Parece que son las unicas que usan en peliculas y libros. Bueno talvez la capital la esplotan los extra terestes. Asi que escoji algo no tan conocido. Cuidado, talvez no es lo que piensan.

Me tomo un buen tiempo hacerlo. Los edificios fueron lo mas dificil. Necesito encontrar una forma mas rapida y mejorar el perspectivo porque este comic lo va tener mucho en los fondos.  Pagina 1 y 2 estan terminadas. Las tengo que calcar y pintar. Y tengo que empezar pagina 3. No tengo idea que tan largo sera y ojala no pierdo interes en el y lo termino.

Vean las letras y la cancion arriba.

Primer dibujo de 2014

Primera pajina

Dont Mess With the Centipede by Thagirion Night Crawler by Thagirion PeaceMaker by Thagirion
Comment Before You Favourite by BoffinbraiN No Critique Desired Stamp by Owen-Marsh
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1800x2294px 1.46 MB
© 2014 - 2024 Thagirion
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Mustache-Twirler's avatar
I saw your new page of this comic, yet I thought it would be better for me to start commenting from the start first. This is an awesome comic cover of George Smith. I like how he stands with his guns next to his motorcycle as well as the description of wanting to return to his home in Hell while being an assassin. The city in the background is quite nice, I can understand the difficulty of drawing buildings since I'm not very good at drawing them myself. Renegade from Hammerfal is a great choice for this comic's title as well with George.